Energy Research, Inc. is pleased to announce the award of two contracts by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) related to "Technical Assistance in Support of Agency Environmental and Reactor Programs," for a period of 5 years. As part of these contracts, Energy Research, Inc. with participation of several partner companies and consultants, can provide technical support to NRC in nuclear safety, design certification, regulatory assessment, and analysis applicable to operating plants, new reactors (e.g., APR1400), Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), and assistance to the Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs with environmental and safety reviews of non-power-reactor facilities, including low-level waste and uranium recovery facilities.


Energy Research, Inc. is pleased to announce the award of a contract by Holtec International to support the development of models for application to the SMR-160 severe accident studies (September 2021).


Energy Research, Inc. is pleased to announce the award of a three-year contract by Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI) of Switzerland for Technical Support in Probabilistic Safety Assessment, Regulatory Evaluation and Accident Analysis Activities. (January 2022)
